An Exhibition of Paintings for Happiness was on display at the United Nations from 19 March-6 April 2018, kindly sponsored by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the UN, in cooperation with the Jharna-Kala Art Foundation and the Sri Chinmoy Centre. The exhibit was in honour of the “International Day of Happiness,” a UN initiative inspired by the King of Bhutan, in which the UN General Assembly declared 20 March as the International Day.
On view was a mixed media exhibition comprised of a number of large canvases of art by renowned artist Sri Chinmoy, and the “Kids to Kids” happiness paintings by children from around the world.
The Opening Reception was held on the International Day of Happiness, March 20, and was a refreshing moment of art, accompanied by music and light fare. Mr. Karma Sonam Tshosarm, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Bhutan, offered opening remarks. Ms. Ranjana K. Ghose spoke, as Curator of the Exhibit and Director of the Jharna-Kala Art Foundation. Daw Aye Aye Thant, daughter of the third UN Secretary-General U Thant and President, U Thant Institute, spoke and offered a painting by her granddaughter for the exhibit.
Ms. Kritagyata Nicholls, Coordinator of “Kids to Kids” International, gave insights into cultural and educational exchanges in Bhutan, led by Professors Dr. Utsahi St-Amand of the University of Ottawa and Dr. Harishita Sunaoshi of Kyoto Seika University. Mrs. Cathy Oerter, Chair of the Board of Directors of Art of the Olympians, and Mr. Salil Wilson, Executive Director of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, also offered remarks.
Copies of Passages to Happiness, published in honour of the International Day of Happiness, were offered to guests. Several media outlets covered the event, and the UN itself tweeted out photos of the exhibit to their 20 million twitter followers to promote the International Day of Happiness.
Please click here for excerpts of the remarks made at the opening reception.

Participants in the 20 March Opening Reception of the Exhibition of Paintings for Happiness at the UN hold the Peace Torch. From left to right: Cathy Oerter, Chair of Board of Directors, Art of the Olympians; Salil Wilson, Executive Director of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run; Karma Sonam Tshosarm, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the United Nations; Daw Aye Aye Thant, daughter of third UN Secretary-General U Thant and President of the U Thant Institute; Ranjana Ghose, Exhibit Curator and Director, Jharna-Kala Art Foundation; Nilima Silver, General Secretary, Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations; Kritagyata Nicholls, Coordinator of “Kids to Kids” International; and Nayana Hein, Sri Chinmoy Poetry Festival Organizer.

Ranjana Ghose, Curator of the Exhibition of Paintings for Happiness, and Director, Jharna-Kala Art Foundation, receives from Daw Aye Aye Thant, daughter of the third UN Secretary-General U Thant, a painting by her granddaughter to be displayed in the exhibit.

The UN tweeted out photos of the exhibit to their 20 million twitter followers to promote the International Day of Happiness.

Members of Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations gather at the Exhibit after a meditation meeting at the UN on 27 March 2018.