Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) dedicated his life to the service of world peace, inspiring countless individuals through his meditations, his creative endeavours and his philosophy of self-transcendence.
Born in Chittagong, Bengal, in what was then India, now Bangladesh, Sri Chinmoy lived in the French pocket of Pondicherry from 1944-1964 in a spiritual community, where he meditated for many hours a day, attaining personal enlightenment. There he excelled in literary, musical and athletic pursuits.
Sri Chinmoy came to the United States in 1964. At the invitation of UN Secretary-General U Thant, in 1970 he began leading twice-weekly peace meditations and offering special programmes for delegates and staff at UN Headquarters in New York. Since then, The Peace Meditation at the United Nations has continued holding meditations as well as concerts and other events to promote world harmony.
Sri Chinmoy also founded the international Sri Chinmoy Centre, a Non-Governmental Organization formally associated with the UN Department of Global Communications. Sri Chinmoy’s creative endeavours are carried on by this worldwide Centre, which strives to promote a culture of peace and to serve the world in accordance with its founder’s timeless teachings.