The Garland of Nation-Souls1 Highlighted Excerpts: The nation that soulfully cries for inner development and devotedly cries for outer growth can alone be in the vanguard of the teeming nations. A nation falls when it deliberately and vehemently resists the idea of...
15 July, 1970, A Talk by Sri Chinmoy coinciding with “The World Youth Assembly (WYA)”* (*WYA sponsored by the United Nations during July of 1970. as part of the observance of the twenty-fifth Anniversary of the UN) The Garland Of Nation-Souls “Each...
The Song Universal is freedom. Freedom from what? Freedom from limitations, freedom from imperfections and freedom from ignorance. Man is in stark bondage. Nevertheless, man has the power deep within to cut asunder the teeming ties that have bound him and forced him...